Ethiopia and BRICS
On January 1st, 2024, Ethiopia officially joined BRICS, after being invited in August 2023. BRICS (named after its founding members: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) is an intergovernmental organization that can be broadly understood as a political and economic counterweight to Western-dominated organizations like the OECD, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank. What does this mean for Ethiopia and how will this benefit the BRICS nations?
The Rise of Hyderabad
As India continues to compete as an international superpower, development across different regions of the nation have reflected the immense growth of the nation. Cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, and Delhi have witnessed the creation of hundreds of new startups and millions of venture capital dollars flowing into their regions. However, a black sheep contender for “golden child” of the Indian Subcontinent, must go to the city of Hyderabad. Hyderabad (and the greater state of Telangana) has taken numerous steps to create a strong foundation for long-term success, and this can be seen in three key areas: Community & Government Buy-In, A Developing Educational System, and the Creation of Vital Onramps for Development.
The Indian Economy: Racing Forward or Holding Back
In this talk with Dr. Deepa Ollapally, Dr. Ajay Chhibber, and Dr. Pradeep Rau, we delve into the factors that have given India great economic growth in recent years, as well as the obstacles that have caused its severe economic challenges today. By analyzing the current state of politics and development on the subcontinent and India’s place in the global market, we will discuss how the Indian economy may evolve in the coming decade.